Lab: No.24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, China 610064
Email: codesec [AT]


20 Sept. 2024
Paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability (Q1) with Jiang.

24 July. 2024
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Han.

10 July. 2024
Paper accepted by Software Quality Journal (Q2) with Han.

20 May. 2024
Paper accepted by Expert Systems With Applications (Q1) with Wang.

2 Apr. 2024
Paper accepted by Applied Soft Computing (Q1) with Xu.

14 Mar. 2024
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Li.

4 Mar. 2024
Paper accepted by Empirical Software Engineering (CCF B) with Chen.

1 Mar. 2024
Paper accepted by USENIX Security'24 (CCF A) with Wang.

10 Oct. 2023
Paper accepted by 信息安全学报 (CCF B) with Luo.

15 Aug. 2023
Paper accepted by SecureComm (CCF C) with Huang.

31 Jul. 2023
Paper accepted by IJIS (Q1) with Sun.

18 Jul. 2023
Paper accepted by ASE 2023 (CCF A) with Guo.

21 Jun. 2023
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Guo.

1 Jun. 2023
Paper accepted by KSEM 2023(CCF C) with Yang.

12 May. 2023
Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing CJNIS.

22 Feb. 2023
Paper accepted by Automated Software Engineering with Han.

1 Feb. 2023
Join the TPC of CSCWD 2023 and KSEM 2023.

16 Nov. 2022
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Liu.

15 Oct. 2022
Paper accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems (JCR Q1) with Zhao.

4 Oct. 2022
Paper accepted by ICDF2C 2022 (CCF C) with Zeng.

14 Sept. 2022
Paper accepted by Applied Intelligence (JCR Q2) with Du.

28 Aug. 2022
Paper accepted by SecureComm (CCF C) with Liu.

26 Aug. 2022
Paper accepted by Information Sciences (JCR Q1) with Xu.

25 Aug. 2022
Congrats to 0x401 team on the NCSISC 2022 contest.

22 Aug. 2022
Congrats to first prize on the NCSISC 2022 contest.

30 June. 2022
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Guo.

15 June. 2022
Paper accepted by RAID (CCF B) with Ou.

16 May. 2022
Paper accepted by KSEM (CCF C) with Wang.

1 May. 2022
Paper accepted by Internetware 2022 with Sun.

25 Mar. 2022
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Huang.

28 Feb. 2022
Paper accepted by SCN (CCF C) with Liu.

24 Dec. 2021
Paper accepted by Computers & Security (CCF B) with Liu.

13 Dec. 2021
Paper accepted by Neurocomputing with Wang.

1 Nov. 2021
Paper accepted by JCS(CCF B) with Han.


Research Materials

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, China. I am broadly interested in all aspects of network and system issues. My work follows a measurement and data driven approach to characterize and detect critical attack issues in large-scale systems. My current research focuses on detection model, underground economics, cyber threat intelligence, source code and supply chain detection.

I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Sichuan University, and I did a Joint PhD student at University of California, Santa Barbara, under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Vigna.

Looking for bright students
I am looking for self-motivated Master/Undergraduate students, and (Visiting) research students who have strong interests in cyber science and engineering research. If you are interested, feel free to send me an email.


Selected Publications (Full List)

  • Donapi: Malicious NPM Packages Detector using Behavior Sequence Knowledge Mapping
    Cheng Huang, Nannan Wang*, Ziyan Wang, Siqi Sun, Lingzi Li, Junren Chen, Qianchong Zhao, Jiaxuan Han, Zhen Yang and Lei Shi
    The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '24), 2024
    C DOI Demo PDF CCF A

  • CoExpMiner: An AHIN-based Vulnerability Co-exploitation Mining Framework
    Shuyi Jiang, Cheng Huang*, Jiaxuan Han
    IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2024
    J DOI PDF Q1

  • An Empirical Study of Malicious Code In PyPI Ecosystem
    Wenbo Guo, Zhengzi Xu*, Chengwei Liu, Cheng Huang, Yong Fang*, Yang Liu
    The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2023), 2023:166-177

  • Viopolicy-Detector: An Automated Approach to Detecting GDPR Compliance Violations in Websites
    Haoran Ou, Yong Fang, Wenbo Guo, Yongyan Guo, Cheng Huang*
    The 25th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2022), 2022:409–430

  • Automated Discovery and Mapping ATT&CK Tactics and Techniques for Unstructured Cyber Threat Intelligence
    Lingzi Li, Cheng Huang*, Junren Chen
    Computers & Security, 2024
    J DOI Code Data PDF CCF B

  • bjCnet: A Contrastive Learning-Based Framework for Software Defect Prediction
    Jiaxuan Han, Cheng Huang*, Jiayong Liu
    Computers & Security, 2024, 104024
    J DOI Data PDF CCF B

  • SecTKG: A Knowledge Graph for Open Source Security Tools
    Siqi Sun, Cheng Huang*, Tiejun Wu and Yi Shen
    International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2023
    J DOI Code PDF Q1

  • ExpSeeker: Extract Public Exploit Code Information from Social Media
    Yutong Du, Cheng Huang*, Genpei Liang, Zhihao Fu, Dunhan Li, Yong Ding
    Applied Intelligence, 2023(53):15772–15786
    J DOI JCR Q1

  • VULDEFF: Vulnerability Detection Method Based on Function Fingerprints and Code Differences
    Qianchong Zhao, Cheng Huang*, and Liuhu Dai
    Knowledge-based Systems, 2023(260), 110139
    J DOI Data JCR Q1

  • Coreference Resolution for Cybersecurity Entity: Towards Explicit, Comprehensive Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph with Low Redundancy
    Zhengyu Liu, Haochen Su, Nannan Wang, Cheng Huang*
    The 18th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2022), Springer, Cham, 2023:89-108
    C DOI Code CCF C

  • GraphXSS: An Efficient XSS Payload Detection Approach Based on Graph Convolutional Network
    Zhonglin Liu, Yong Fang, Cheng Huang*, Jiaxuan Han
    Computers & Security, 2022(114):102597

  • JStrong: Malicious JavaScript Detection Based on Code Semantic Representation and Graph Neural Network
    Yong Fang, Chaoyi Huang, Minchuan Zeng, Zhiying Zhao, Cheng Huang*
    Computers & Security, 2022(118),102715

  • 源代码漏洞静态分析技术
    刘嘉勇, 韩家璇, 黄诚*
    信息安全学报, 2022,7(4):100-113.

  • CyberRel: Joint Entity and Relation Extraction for Cybersecurity Concepts
    Yongyan Guo, Zhengyu Liu, Cheng Huang*, Jiayong Liu, Wangyuan Jing, Ziwang Wang, Yanghao Wang
    International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS), Springer, Cham, 2021:447-463.
    C DOI PDF Best Student Paper CCF C

  • LMTracker: Lateral Movement Path Detection based on Heterogeneous Graph Embedding
    Yong Fang, Congshuang Wang, Zhiyang Fang, Cheng Huang*
    Neurocomputing, 2022(474):37-47.
    J DOI JCR 2

  • ExSense: Extract Sensitive Information from Unstructured Data
    Yongyan Guo, Jiayong Liu, Wenwu Tang and Cheng Huang*
    Computers & Security, 2021(102): 102156.

  • NEDetector: Automatically Extracting Cybersecurity Neologisms from Hacker Forums
    Ying Li, Jiaxing Cheng, Cheng Huang*, etc.
    Journal of Information Security and Applications, 2021(58):102784.

  • Effective method for detecting malicious PowerShell scripts based on hybrid features
    Yong Fang, Xiangyu Zhou, Cheng Huang*
    Neurocomputing, 2021(448):30-39.
    J DOI Data JCR 2

  • Covert Timing Channel Detection Method Based on Time Interval and Payload Length Analysis
    Jiaxuan Han, Cheng Huang, Fan Shi, Jiayong Liu*
    Computers & Security, 2020(97),101952

  • CyberEyes: Cybersecurity Entity Recognition Model Based on Graph Convolutional Network
    Yong Fang, Yuchi Zhang,Cheng Huang*
    The Computer Journal, 2021, 64(8): 1215-1225.

  • DeepVuler: A Vulnerability Intelligence Mining System for Open-Source Communities
    Susheng Wu, Bin Chen, MingXu Sun, Renyu Duan, Qixiang Zhang, Cheng Huang*
    IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications(TrustCom), Shengyang, China, 2021:598-605.
    C DOI Data CCF C

  • EmailDetective: An Email Authorship Identification and Verification Model
    Yong Fang, Yue Yang, Cheng Huang*
    The Computer Journal, 2020, 63(11):1775-1787.
    J DOI Data CCF B

  • A Study on Web Security Incidents in China by Analyzing Vulnerability Disclosure Platforms
    Cheng Huang, JiaYong Liu*, Yong Fang, Zheng Zuo
    Computers & Security, 2016(58): 47-62

  • Detecting Malicious JavaScript Code Based on Semantic Analysis
    Yong Fang, Cheng Huang*, Yu Su, Yaoyao Qiu
    Computers & Security, 2020(93), 101764

  • Gossip: Automatically Identifying Malicious Domains from Mailing List Discussions
    Cheng Huang, Shuang Hao, Luca Invernizzi, JiaYong Liu, Yong Fang, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna
    Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIA CCS)
    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 2017.